Auntie Bernie and Donna

Exploration: Hawaiian Wisdom

April 29, 20231 min read

I love to explore Hawaiian Wisdom and Practices.

I am so happy to be able to share some of the ancient wisdom that so characterized the Hawaiian people. Let us begin.

The Hakalau meditation.   

It is a gentle meditation where the energy opens resources that might otherwise be inaccessible such as solutions to problems you would not have normally thought of. It also helps you to take in more information than before and retain it. It’s very useful for students and professionals alike.

The Hiolani meditation. 

The word Hiolani means to lean on the light. When you are meditation with this one, anything that is not the darkness is “light.” In Hawaii it is often used to start each day.

One of my mentors, Auntie Bernie Konanui used to say that these meditations are used to “clear away the clutter.”  When a person is able to block out the surface level clutter and noise of daily existence and delve into the deeper secret [cause, root,] of an issue or problem, they would be described as having “the huna”, the ability to find the concealed wisdom.

She explained that most people are unable to do this and those who do find it are empowered and able to find success and happiness in their life. Isn’t that what we are all looking for, a way to figure it all out? Who am I, Why am I here, and How do I achieve happiness and fulfillment? I think so.

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